Thursday, January 29, 2015

Newsletter for February 2-5, 2015

Sophia is our star student this week!  Please bring snack for 9 kids for 4 days. 

Our letter of the week will be Zz.  We are  not doing letter bags this week since all I could think of to put in them would be a zebra and a zipper. 

Our number this week 14.  Please work with recognizing the numbers 11, 12, 13, and 14 at home too.  The kids are all having a hard time with these.  Most of them can do it only if they have a calendar or number chart to count up to the number on.  However, they need to be able to recognize them by just looking.

Our color this week is brown.  Since the kids all know their colors we will be spending more time trying to learn how to spell and read the word brown.

Our sight word this week is run.  We will be working on writing and reading this word.  I can only hope we can get outside and actually run on day next week.  Lets keep our fingers crossed.

Memory verse this week is I have chosen the way of truth. Psalms 119:30.  The kids did a great job learning their memory verse from last week so they will be coming home
Monday with a special surprise!  In chapel this week we will be talking about truthfulness.

I am going to try out another homework format.  I am sending a calendar home on Monday.  Each day Monday-Friday has an activity to be completed.  They are all fairly simple. They can complete each day as is on the calendar or as you have time to do it.  The letters, numbers, sight words, and colors are assigned to the weeks that we will be working on them in class. As they compete the task simply initial the box competed.  When all tasks have been completed return to school and I will have a treat for the kids.   

Monday- We will be spending the day celebrating Groundhog's Day.  We will discuss what Groundhog's Day is all about.

Thursday- Wear Brown to school if you have it!
                  We will be having a public open house from 9-2.  I will inform the kids about this as the week goes on.  There will be adults and kids being lead on supervised tours of our building.  They may come right into our classrooms while we are working so that they can see our school in action.  If you know of anyone interested in seeing HFYH school tell them about Thursday.  They do not need to call and make an appointment for a tour someone will help them whenever they get here.

Tuition is due this week!

Upcoming Events:

February 12th- We will be having a Valentine party in our classroom with kids only.  I am sorry but our room is just not big enough to house the kids as well as the parents.  I sent a homework assignment home today.  I am asking that you help your child make their own container to hold their valentines in.  Please return this by February 9th.  Also, if your child's wants to bring in Valentines for their friends they may do that.  We will pass them out during our party.  It is not mandatory for them to do this. Do not fill out who the Valentine is for.  Only have your child write their name in the from spot.  This will be a great opportunity for them to practice writing their names.  Not putting who they are to helps make passing out a lot quicker.

February 16th- Presidents Day!  HFYH pre-k will be in session.  Is was scheduled as a day off, but we will be following EVSC and using this as our snow make-up day from our snow day in November.

February 26th- We will be heading to CMoe for our next fieldtrip.  The kids always have a blast at this fieldtrip.   I know the kids would love for you to come and play and learn with us.  Parents will need to drive separately and pay for themselves and siblings upon arriving.  We are asking that you arrive a little earlier than us.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Newletter for January 26-29, 2015

Our star student this week will be Easton H.  Please provide snack for 4 days for 9 kids.  He may bring show and tell if he wishes.

This week we will be reviewing the letters Kk, Xx, and Hh. 

We will also be reviewing numbers 0-13. 

Memory verse: Show proper respect to everyone.  1 Peter 6:18

This week in chapel we will be talking about Courtesy.

Since it is a review week I we are going to begin working on when it is appropriate to talk or not, how to raise our hands for answer a question, and how to take care of themselves and be less worried about tattling on others. These are all things that I really dislike covering, but very necessary for success in kindergarten.

I have had some issues with children not getting their class work done in time for recess. I was having them work on it instead of recess.  However, the more I think about it the more I realize that they really need recess.  Therefore, if they are not able to get their arrival done in the 20 minutes or their center work done in the 30-45 minutes allotted then they will be losing their stickers and I will be sending it home for homework. Some of the reasons that papers are not getting done are because we are talking instead of working (which I said we will be working on this week), playing with materials instead of using them correctly, daydreaming,  worrying about what other children are doing, or they are flying through it to get done them I make them redo if I know they are definitely more capable.

Again, I do not want to be mean but I would rather give them this taste of it now since I know them pretty well as opposed to it beginning at the start of kindergarten and the kids think that their teacher does not like them.

If you have not turned in you enrollment for next year please send it in first thing Monday morning.  We open registration to the public on Monday.  We want to assure that you have a spot but can not do so after Monday.

The kids are so excited that they are being dropped off like "big kids".  They are doing an amazing job of walking up to our room, putting their things away and getting started with their day!  I am beyond proud of how well they are doing!  I love seeing their faces as they come up the steps with big smiles on their faces.

Since I do not see each of you everyday now if there is ever a concern or question please email, facebook, call me, or put a note in their binders.  I do not want to lose communication between school and home.  It is very important for the success of these kids!

Friday, January 16, 2015

January 19-22, 2015 Newsletter

THERE IS NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY! - Monday is Martin Luther King Day so we will not be in session.

Star Student- Cooper


Number- 13

sight word- help

Memory verse- Do not forget to do good and share with others. Hebrews 13:16.

Chapel topic:  The Virtue: Sharing

Current family registration continues until January 26.

Book orders are due January 28th.

January tuition is now late.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Newsletter for January 12-15

Star Student is Addison. Please provide snack for 4 days for 9 students.  Please complete the paper in the backpack sent home on Thursday.  Addison may bring show in tell and/or anything about her. 

Our letter this week will be Xx. We are NOT doing letter bags this week. 

We will be working on writing the number 12 this week.

Our color this week will be black. If the kids have something black please have them wear it on Thursday.

We will be learning to read and write the word in this week.

In chapel this week we will be learning and talking about the virtue of kindness.

Our memory verse this week is: May the Lord show you kindness and faithfulness. 2 Samuel 2:6.

We had library on Thursday and all kids that were at school were allowed to get a book.  Please return those when you are done reading them.

Monday registration will be open for all current HFYH families.  If you have someone who is going to attend next year please fill out the form that will be sent home this week.

Upcoming Dates:

Monday, January 19 there will be no school due to MLK Jr. Day.  We can not guarantee you a spot after open registration begins on January 26.  If you are even thinking about it talk with Mrs. Nicki, Mrs. Stephanie, or myself.

Monday, January 26- open registration will open to the public. 

Thursday, February- we will be having open house for anyone new who is looking at our school for next year.

If for some reason we need to delay or cancel school please watch for emails, text messages, and facebook page.

Friday, January 2, 2015

January 5-8, 2015

I hope that everyone had a nice Christmas and New Years!  I hope everyone has recovered from all the illnesses that were going around over break.  It is so hard to believe we are already starting the second half of the school year.  I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday morning at 8:30.

We will not have a star student this week.  I will provide snack for the kids out of what we did not open last semester.  I put a new star student calendar in each child's binder before Christmas break so that you can look and see when you are responsible for snack.

We will be working on the letter Kk, number 11, and color red this week. I forgot my notes so I do not remember what the bible verse, chapel message, or sight words are for the week.  I will update you on Monday!  Sorry, my first of many fails for the year.

Reminder that HFYH school has a new phone number.  It is 812-612-0532.  The old number will still work but it calls the church then you have to be forwarded to the school.  The new number is a direct call to the school.

We will be opening registration up for all HFYH families on January 12.  We will be sending information home in your child's binder.  If you know or are considering sending your child back to us for another year before sending them on to kindergarten please fill out the forms and send them in or talk with myself or Nicki.  In order for us to guarantee your child a spot we need your forms back before January 26th.  There are a very limited number of spots for next year with all the preschool kids that will be coming up to pre-k.

On January 26th we will open registration up to the public. 

On February 5th we will be having open house.  Possible parents will be allowed into the building for supervised tours this day.  I will be talking with the kids about this closer to this date so that they know that there may be parents as well as kids walking in and out of our classroom while on supervised tours with Stephanie and Nicki so that they can see our school in action.  Our day will run as normal as possible.