Thursday, April 23, 2015

Newsletter April 27-30, 2015

Star Student this week: Delaney

Letter this week: Cc

Sight Word: Can

We will continue to work on phone numbers and addresses this week.

May 6th- Muffins with Mom/Donuts with Dad 8:30-9:00 am- We are inviting all parents to stay and join us for our last chapel this morning.  This usually last 30-45 minutes.

May 13- End of Year Celebrations

May 14- Graduation- kids need to be there at 6. Ceremony will begin with preschool at 6:30.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Newsletter April 20-23, 2015

Star Student this week is Easton H. Please bring snack for 9 kids for 3 days. We will use leftovers the other day.

Letter this week is Rr.

Bible Verse is " Noah walked with God." Gen 6:9

Chapel this week we will be learning about Noah.

We will working on Phone numbers and addresses.

We will be reviewing numbers 1-20, colors, and shapes for the rest of the year.

I am taking the day off on Thursday.  I am going to attend a fieldtrip with my oldest daughter.  If you need anything please let me know ahead of time.  If you need something during the school day please contact the school by phone or Mrs. Nicki by email.  Mrs. Nicole Chapman will be taking my place. She was a preschool teacher at HFYH last year and she has subbed for me once before this year.

Upcoming events:

May 6- Muffins with Mom/Donuts with Dad- We have changed this from Thursday to Wednesday so that we could also invite you to our final chapel of the year. Breakfast will be from 8:15-9. Chapel begins at 9 am. Chapel usually lasts anywhere from 30 -45 minutes.

May 13- End of year celebrations

May 14- Last day of school is half day for all students. Graduation is at 6:30pm. We are asking all kids to arrive at 6:00.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Newsletter April 13-16, 2015

Star Student this week will be Bryer. We will be celebrating Bryer's 5th birthday this week. He will be 5 on Friday.  Please bring snack for 9 kids for 3 days. 

Our letter this week will be Uu.

Our sight word this week is Up.

Our number this week will be 20. This is our last number of the week :(

Our Chapel topic this week will be Daniel and the Lion's Den. To go with this our memory verse for the week is Do not fear, for I am with you. Isaiah 41:10.

Thursday is the Q and U wedding.  We are still in need of forks and punch for the reception.  If you would like to donate some let me know how much you are bringing.

We will be working on our phone numbers and addresses the rest of the year.  Please work on these at home too.  Also, some of us are still struggling with reading numbers 11-20. Please work with flashcards at home.  I am beginning the end of the year assessments. I have been pleased with how far they have come since November.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

May 7th- Muffins with Mom/Donuts with Dad 8:30-9:00 in the gym.

May 13th- End of Year Celebration times will probably be sent home the week before.

May 14th- Half day for everyone!  Graduation 6:30 main campus. Pre-K graduates need to arrive around 6:00 so that we can get their caps and gowns on them.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Newsletter April 6-9, 2015

Star Student is Jayde- Please send snack for 3 days for 9 kids.  We will use leftover snack the forth day.

Letter: Qq
Sight Word: quit
Colors: We will spend the rest of the year reviewing the color words.  We have covered all the colors.
Memory Verse: Serve one another in love. Galations 5:13.

School is in session Monday.  It is a snow make-up day for one of our snow days.  The rest of the snow days are being dealt with by prorating your May tuition!

We are going to spend Monday finishing up talking about Easter.  I am amazed at how much the kids have picked up and remembered about the last supper, death, and resurrection of Christ.  Just ask them they will tell you.  Mrs. Nicki sent home eggs with each child yesterday.  Talk with your child about it. We are also going to end our day Monday by doing some experiments with Peeps!  I am sure we are all going to have fun.

Tuition is due this week! They sent out statements that were for April, May, and cap and gowns.  This will be the last payment of the year.  They added May to this one since we get out so early in May.  One less thing to have to think about later.

Pizzas are due back anytime.  It took them a little longer to get them ready since we sold over 500 more than our goal!  We will let you know more as soon as we know.

Upcoming Events:

Thursday, April 16- Q and U wedding.  Official invitations will be coming home early in the week.

Thursday, May 7- Muffins with Mom/ Donuts with Dad 8:30-9:00 in the gym.  Come have breakfast with us.  Free of charge.

Wednesday, May 13- End of Year Celebration- Times and Locations will be announce at a later date.

Thursday, May 14- Half day for everyone! 
                             -  Toddler Time/Jumpstart Graduation- 10:30 am Main Campus
                             - PreSchool/PreK Graduation 6:30 pm Main Campus- Kids will need to arrive at