Thursday, September 24, 2015

Newsletter September 28-October 1, 2015

Star Student: Cole

Letter: Nn

Number: 6

Sight word: no

Shape: oval

Chapel message: On day 6 God created animals and people.

Monday, September 28th is picture make-up day for anyone who was absent last week.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, October 12th- No School Fall Break!

Sunday, October 25th- Blue Grass Church Mission Moment.  Blue Grass Church is collecting money for HFYH School.  In the past this money has gone toward scholarships for those families who fall upon hard times.  We are asking that the children be there to sing in front of the congregation.  They will sing at the end of the 9:30 service and the beginning of the 10:50 service.  More information will come home closer to the date.

More information on Halloween parties and a field trip coming soon!

I am enjoying every day with your children.  Even on our crazy days I enjoy seeing how far they are coming.  I know there is still much to but they will grow so much between now and May.  Thank you for sharing them with me!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Newsletter September 21-24, 2015

Star Student is Brooklyn- Please bring snack for 8 kids for 4 days.  Also please fill out the paper about Brooklyn in her binder.

Letter of the week is Mm.

Number of the week is 5.

Shape of the week is Circle.

Chapel topic for the week is: On day Five God Created birds and fish.

REMINDER SCHOOL PICTURES ARE MONDAY!   Everyone will have their photo taken even if you are not purchasing pictures.  They are going to do a classroom composite for each classroom.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, October 12th- No school. Fall Break!

Sunday, October 25th- Blue Grass Church is collecting money for HFYH School. We are asking that the children be there to sing in front of the congregation.  They will be singing at the end of the 9:30 and beginning of 10:50 services. More information will come home closer to the date.

Thursday, October 29th- We will have our Halloween party in the gym from 9-9:40 am.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Newsletter for September 14-17,2015

Star Student- Nathan

Letter- This week we will be reviewing the letters Aa, Vv, and Ww.

Number- We will be moving on with #4 this week.

Shape- We will be reviewing the shapes triangle, square, and rectangle.

Sight Words- We will be reviewing the words at, am, and we.

Chapel- We will be discussing the fourth day of creation.

The kids really enjoyed Wacky Wednesday! 

This week we had library! Please send your child's book back with them to school when you have read it.  They had until Library time next Thursday to return it.  If it is not returned they will not be able to check out a new book next week.

Next Thursday, September 17th at 11 am.  I hope that everyone will have someone to come eat with them.  If not, they will be joining myself and my 2 girls.  Please bring a blanket if you have one.  We will be sitting in the grass between the gravel lot and the playground.  RSVP's need to be turned in by Tuesday.  If you need a new form please let me know.  I sent them home earlier in the week.  Also, there will be a sign out sheet if you decide you want to take your child with you after the picnic lunch.  If they decide to NOT COME INSIDE TO PICK YOUR CHILD UP FOR THE PICNIC.

Next week we are having penny wars.  We are raising money for Luke Chapman.  He is a baby who was born with a heart defect and is in need of a heart transplant.  Many of our teachers graduated with his mom and his aunt worked in our school for some time.  Bring in all your money.  Last year my class raised the most money and I had to take a pie to the face.  Please help support this family.  I have no clue if there is or what the incentive will be this year.

Next week is also the Scholastic Book Fair. It will be open in the gym during the picnic.  These books make great Christmas gifts. 

Kona Ice will also be the picnic this year.  They will be giving the school a portion of the sales.  Please bring money if you and your child would like to enjoy this treat.

Upcoming events:

Sunday, October 25th- Blue Grass Church is collecting money for HFYH School. We are asking that the children be there to sing in front of the congregation.  They will be singing at the end of the 9:30 and beginning of 10:50 services. More information will come home closer to the date.

Thursday, October 29th- We will have our Halloween party in the gym from 9-9:40 am.

December 17- Christmas program 10:30 at Main campus.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Newsletter for September 7-10, 2015

Star Student- Kara- I forgot to send home her star student form, so I will send it home on Tuesday.  Please send snack for 8 kids for 3 days.

Letter of the week- Ww- we will be celebrating by having WaCkY WeDnEsDaY!  Please let your child dress or wear hair wacky.  Please make sure that they can still easy use the restroom.

Number of the Week-3

Shape of the Week- Rectangle

Sight word of the week- We

Chapel- On day 3 GOD made plants.

REMINDER- THERE IS NO SCHOOL MONDAY- we are off for Memorial Day!

If you have not already tuition is due this week!

Scholastic book orders that were in your child's binder at meet the teacher night is also due by the end of this week if you are interested in ordering.

School pictures for Pre-K are on Monday September 21st!

Please send a napkin in your child's lunch. We are little and make messes.

This last week we had fun learning about the letter Vv. In Science on Thursday we made a volcano using a water bottle, baking soda, and vinegar.  The kids loved it!  I wish I had more hands so that I could have taken pictures for all of you to see!

We will begin Library this week.  Look for your child to bring home a library book on Thursday.  When you have read it please send it back into school so that we can return it and they can receive a new book the following Thursday.  They may keep them until Thursday, but if not brought back they do not get to check out a new one.

If your child is not at school please either call me, text me, facebook me, or call the school.  We all worry about our friends when they are absent. 

Reminder school begins at 8:30, if they are  not coming in until 8:45 or later they are missing learning opportunities.