Monday, November 30, 2015

Newsletter for November 30-December 3, 2015

Star Student: Cole

Letter: Jj

Sight word: Jesus

Chapel topic: Angel Appears to Mary and Traveling to Bethlehem

Wednesday will be Miss Lynsea's last day for the semester.

December tuition is due now.

Upcoming Dates:

Monday, December 14th we will be having a Polar express day. 

Thursday, December 17th at 10:30 am.  Pre-K Christmas Program- Children may wear anything Christmassy! Please do not bring backpacks this day.  Doors will open at 9:30am. This is a half day for all students.  After the program your child will be dismissed to a parent.

December 18th-January 3rd- Christmas break!  School is out!

One thing we have run out of in the classroom are baby wipes.  Since we do not have a sink in the classroom these are nice to have when we do crafts to wash hands.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Newsletter November 16-19, 2015

Star Student: Brooklyn- please bring snack for 8 kids for 2 days.

Letter: Ff

Sight word: for

shapes: Reviewing

Numbers: reviewing numbers 0-10

Wednesday: Fieldtrip to Pump It Up 8:30-11 am.

We are going to celebrate Thanksgiving in our classroom.  I am in need of some donations.  I will post these items on facebook.  Please comment below if you are going to purchase something that way we don't have multiples.  On Wednesday after the fieldtrip we will be making pumpkin pie.  On Thursday the kids will not need to bring a lunch.  We are going to have a Thanksgiving feast.

Please sign up for a parent teacher conference slot. I really want to sit down with an adult for each child.  I want to make sure we are all on the same page as far as what your plans are for your child for next year and what we will need to accomplish to make that happen.  To help these kids fully succeed we need to work as a team. 

There is no school November 23-26th.  However, there will be parent teacher conferences on Monday the 23rd.  If you need to bring your child that is fine I will have Thanksgiving color sheets and blocks out on the carpet.  However, sometimes it makes the kids uncomfortable being there while we are talking about them.  This is completely up to you.  You know your individual child.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Newsletter November 9-12, 2015

Star Student: Nathan

Letter: We will be reviewing the letters Ii, Tt, and Yy.

Numbers: We will be reviewing numbers 0-10 until Christmas.

Shapes: We will be reviewing the shapes: circle, heart, oval, rectangle, square, star, diamond, octagon, and triangle until Christmas.

Sight words: we will be reviewing it, to and you.

We have no school on Wednesday due to the observance of veteran's day!

If you have not already paid tuition for November is due at this time!

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, November 18th- Pump It Up field trip. 8:30-11.

Monday, November 23rd- Parent-Teacher Conferences. If you have not signed up outside the classroom please do so.  I look forward to sitting down and speaking to each of you about how your child is doing.  It is very important to me to make sure we are all on the same page.

Monday November 23-26th- there is no school.  We take off the entire week of Thanksgiving! Enjoy time with your loved ones!