Friday, April 18, 2014

Week of April 21-24, 2014

The letter of the week is Cc.
Star Student is : Aaron
Memory Verse: Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Eph 6:1.

If you did not get your Krispy Kreme certificates Thursday you will receive them in your child's binder on Monday.

We had a very busy week this last week.  I am including pictures that I have taken over the last week.

If you are wanting your child to attend one or more of the summer programs you need to get your forms in ASAP.  They are only taking so many kids and they are filling fast!

Reminder that pick up times are 11:40 am for half day students and 2:45 pm for full day students!

Upcoming Events:
May 1st- Muffins with Mom/ Donuts with Dad- 8:30-9:00am in the gym. Join us for muffins and donuts for breakfast before dropping the kids off at school and heading off to work!

May 14- End of the year party.  We will have fun activities for the children.  We are hoping for great, beautiful weather this day.  Parents are welcome to join us from 11-noon for the fun!

May 15-
        Toddler Time and Jumpstart Graduation @10:30 am in our Chapel.

         Pre School and Pre-K Graduation @6:30 pm. at the Main Campus in the Sanctuary.  Graduates
         will need to arrive by 6:15.  The doors will not be unlocked until 6:00pm. It is recommended
         that graduates where a long dress or long pants under their gowns (otherwise it will look like
         they are wearing nothing under their gowns). NO FLIP FLOPS OR "HEELED" shoes.  The    
         graduates will be going up steps and we do not want anyone getting hurt. It is preferred that
         girls wear their hair down that night.  NO HIGH PONYTAILS OR BOWS.  These items will
         take it impossible to keep the caps on their heads.

I hope everyone has a safe, fun and BLESSED Easter!

 We read the book "The terrible underpants" for Uu week.  The kids then decorated their own underpants.
 We talked about animals that live Underwater for Uu week.  This kids decorated the letter Uu with animals that live underwater.
                               Our beautiful Uu brides getting ready for the Q and U wedding.

                                                       The Q and U wedding cake!
                                                                 The Q and U punch.
 The Pre-K kids alone weighed 2000 pounds.  This is 500 pounds more than the average adult milk cow.
                                      Everyone loved getting to meet and pet the baby calf!

                                  The kids also got to milk MOOOrissa the pretend cow!

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