Thursday, November 6, 2014

November 10-13, 2014

Easton Lamey is our star student this week! Please supply enough snack for 3 days for 9 children. You may bring show and tell, a favorite book, etc.

THERE IS NO SCHOOL ON TUESDAY- we will be off for the remembrance of Veteran's Day. Please take time to tell the Veteran's you know and love how much you appreciate them putting their lives on the line so that we may retain our freedom!

This is a review week.  We will be reviewing the letters Tt, Ii, and Ff. Shapes heart, octagon, and star.  We will be reviewing the numbers 1-10 from now until Christmas break.

This week in Chapel we will continue our lessons on Jesus' miracles.  This week will be
The Big Catch.

Be aware that the children are beginning to learn their music for the Christmas program.

We are continuing with our yam drive.  We are collecting them for needy families for Thanksgiving.  If we collect 500 cans Mrs. Nicki and Mrs. Stephanie have a special surprise for each of the kids at HFYH!  We will be collecting thru Thursday the 13th.

Please make sure that they have a spare set of clothing in their backpacks that are season appropriate.  Also, please make sure they have a season appropriate coat.  We will be going outside if it is dry enough and if the feels like temperature is at least 32 degrees.  With all the bugs that go around this time of the year we all need that fresh air.

Upcoming Events:

* We will be closed the week of Thanksgiving, November 24-27th.

* We will be having parent-teacher conferences on Monday, November 24 from 8:30-12:00.  The sign up sheet is hanging outside the classroom door. Please sign up for a time. I will have the toy area opened for those that need to bring  your kids with you. However, I have only allotted 20 minutes per student.

* December 4th HFYH will be closing at noon.  Pre-K will release at noon instead of 11:40 that day so that preschool has more time to get more of their parents out of the parking lot.  We will still release from the chapel doors.

A  request:
As the temperatures begin to drop I have already noticed that some of our little hands are beginning to chap and crack.  If someone could please supply us with a bottle of the alcohol free hand sanitizer it would save a lot of tears.

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