Thursday, March 19, 2015

Newsletter for March 30-April 2, 2015

Enjoy your spring break we are out of school until Monday, March 30th. This will be our last break of the school year.  I just counted it up and can hardly believe we only have 28 days of school left before graduation!  We still have lots to do so please send your child to school if they are not sick.  At the same time I am beginning to get a little sad that these children that you have shared with me soon will be leaving me.  I have become very accustomed to seeing their faces everyday.  They will take a small part of me with them when they go. 

When we return we will be having a review week to go over the letters, numbers, and sight words that we have already learned. 

Sophia will be our star student. Please bring snack for 9 kids for 2 days.  I have many snacks stock piled so we are going to using up these items on the other days.

I am very impressed with how well your children are doing with not only learning their letters, numbers, and letter sounds, but many are beginning to sound out words as I put them on the dry erase board.  They are also doing much better with their months of the year and days of the week. 

We will be learning the color word orange when we return.  This will be the last of the color words. 

Our memory verse will be: Forgive others, as God forgives you. Luke 6:37.

Being that we are a church based school and this week will be holy week our class is going to talking a lot about the true meaning of Easter.  We will do a few fun Easter things, but mostly will be about the story of Easter from the Bible.

I am giving the kids more responsibility. If you notice that they are missing a sticker they have earned it for the day, but have not remembered to bring me their binder to receive it.  If they have lost their sticker I will find their binder to leave a note in it.

I am also going to be a lot stricter on talking. This is just one more step for kindergarten!

Upcoming Dates:

March 23-27- Spring Break

April 6- Classes will be in session this is a snow make up day

April 23- Q &U wedding (time and place to be announced)

May 7- Muffin with Mom/Donuts with Dad 8:30-9 in the gym

May 13th- End of Year Celebration - time and place to be announced

May 14th- Graduation 6:30 pm at Main Campus

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Newsletter for March 16-19, 2015

Star Student: Chloe - Please provide snack for 9 kids for 3 days.

Letter: Pp

Sight Word: Put

Color: Green

Memory Verse: I obey your law.  Psalms 119:55.

Tuesday is St. Patrick's day. Please have your child wear green if they have it. There will not be any pinching if they do not.  We will continue with learning, but will do so with a St. Patrick's day theme.

Thursday is our 100th day of school.  Please send in 100 snacks.  Although the paper that came home said that the items needed to come of the approved snack list we are fine since we have no allergies in our room. Please wash hands and count out 100 of the items with your child and place in a Ziploc bag.  We are going to place all the items in one bowl to make a trail  mix for snack on Thursday.  Examples of items are cheezits, pretzels, animal crackers, teddy grahams, raisins, m & m's, skittles, marshmallows, goldfish, dried fruit chips, etc.  The teachers have many fun things planned for this day. I look forward to celebrating with your child!

March 23-27 Spring Break- Enjoy  your week off. 

April 6- School will be in session.  We are using this as a snow make up day.

May 7th- Muffins with Mom/ Donuts with Dad 8:30-9 am

May 13- End of year celebration

May 14 Graduation 6:30 pm.  This will be a half day for all students.  Please be patient as there will be a lot more care at pick up.

Please make sure your child is dressed weather appropriate.  We will be going outside as many days as we can! I hope this will alleviate all the illnesses we have seen this year!

Thank you to everyone who sent in stickers.  I am pretty sure we have enough. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Newsletter for March 9-12, 2015

Although I like to sit in my nice warm house with my kids and watch the beautiful snow blanket everything.  I am most definitely ready for warmer weather and some sunshine.   Praying this is the last of the white stuff we will be seeing until December.

Cooper is star student this week: Send snack for 2 days for 9 kids.  We have some left since we did not go all week. We will use those snacks the other 2 days.

Our letter this week is going to be Bb. Please work with your child on recognizing the difference between the lower case b and lower case d.  We worked on d this last week.  This is always a hard thing for them to get.  Just ask them what letter it is when you see it on signs or in books.  I will teach them that the lower case b faces the same way as the upper case B.  I also talked with them about how the lower case d looks like a c with a line. 

We will be working with the number 18.  We are still having a lot of problems recognizing the teen numbers.  We are going to working on sequencing numbers 1-18 this week.

Our sight word this week will be big.

Our color this week will be blue.  If your child has blue please have them wear it on Thursday.

Memory verse: It's smart to be patient. Proverbs 14:29

Tuition payments are due by Tuesday if you have not already paid!

March 12- Cap and Gown forms are due back!  We are wanting to order before Spring break!

March 17th- St. Patrick's Day. Please have your child wear green.  However, we will not allow pinching at school if they do not wear green.  We will be on the look out for Leprechauns.  Last year we had a sneaky little visitor in our building.

100th day of school is coming up!  I will let you know when as soon as I get back to school and can look at my calendar.  I am lost right now with all the snow days we have had. I am fairly certain it will be the week of March 16-19.   I will be asking each student to bring in 100 of something to make our special snack mix. You choose what. (Example: 100 raisins, 100 animal crackers, 100 cheezits, 100 M&M's, 100 goldfish, etc.) Do not send in the whole box or bag.  I want you and your child to sit down and count out 100 and put them into a bag. 

March 23-27 SPRING BREAK!

April 24- Q and U wedding- more information will be given closer to this date.

May 7th- Muffins with Mom/ Donuts with Dad 8:30-9am in gym

May 13th- End of the year bash. More information to come

May 14th-  All classes will dismiss half day.
                   graduation 6:30 pm