Sunday, March 15, 2015

Newsletter for March 16-19, 2015

Star Student: Chloe - Please provide snack for 9 kids for 3 days.

Letter: Pp

Sight Word: Put

Color: Green

Memory Verse: I obey your law.  Psalms 119:55.

Tuesday is St. Patrick's day. Please have your child wear green if they have it. There will not be any pinching if they do not.  We will continue with learning, but will do so with a St. Patrick's day theme.

Thursday is our 100th day of school.  Please send in 100 snacks.  Although the paper that came home said that the items needed to come of the approved snack list we are fine since we have no allergies in our room. Please wash hands and count out 100 of the items with your child and place in a Ziploc bag.  We are going to place all the items in one bowl to make a trail  mix for snack on Thursday.  Examples of items are cheezits, pretzels, animal crackers, teddy grahams, raisins, m & m's, skittles, marshmallows, goldfish, dried fruit chips, etc.  The teachers have many fun things planned for this day. I look forward to celebrating with your child!

March 23-27 Spring Break- Enjoy  your week off. 

April 6- School will be in session.  We are using this as a snow make up day.

May 7th- Muffins with Mom/ Donuts with Dad 8:30-9 am

May 13- End of year celebration

May 14 Graduation 6:30 pm.  This will be a half day for all students.  Please be patient as there will be a lot more care at pick up.

Please make sure your child is dressed weather appropriate.  We will be going outside as many days as we can! I hope this will alleviate all the illnesses we have seen this year!

Thank you to everyone who sent in stickers.  I am pretty sure we have enough. 

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